LAB Radio Episode 59 – Hailey Lennon- Head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at bitFlyer

Hailey Lennon, the Head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs for bitFlyer US

Welcome to episode 59 of LAB Radio. If you’re not familiar with Hailey Lennon or bitFlyer, don’t worry, you will be. Hailey is the Head of Legal andRegulatory Affairs and bitFlyer is only the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in Japan.  They have been in business since 2014 and are expanding throughout the US and European markets.

Hailey and I finally get to sit down and talk about what her new role at bitFlyer entails. When Hailey and I first met in 2015/2016 she was working with Silvergate Bank to help launch their banking platform for legitimate cryptocurrency companies. We get to find out how she ended up at bitFlyer after starting out with one of the biggest and most crypto friendly bank in the US. We also talk about the path that led her to where she is today.

Hailey and I both agree, more collaboration around compliance, regulation and oversight, even with competitors, is needed to advance the crypto and blockchain industry. There needs to be more open discussions and working groups stepping up to provide guidance to Regulatory Agencies while leading by example, not through lobbying. This is why bitFlyer and Hailey are leading the charge for a new organization called the Virtual Commodities Association, to which its founding members consist of Bitstamp, Bittrex and Gemini.

Virtual Commodities Association

Things you will learn during this episode:

We dive into the differences between San Diego and San Francisco from a crypto perspective.

Where Hailey thinks crypto US and global regulation may be headed.

What are the goals for bitFlyer in 2019?

Creating Self-Regulating Organizations(SRO), industry standards and best practices for virtual commodities.

If she wasn’t in the crypto and blockchain space, what Hailey thinks she would be doing instead.

If she had a magic wand, what would she change about the industry.

Is there any cultural crossover or influence, since bitFlyer is originally from Japan? What’s the environment at bitFlyer like?


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Further Reading and Resources

bitFlyerWebsite (US) | Facebook | LinkedInTwitter USATwitter Japan | Twitter Europe


Hailey Lennon bitFlyer

Hailey Lennon Head of Legal & Regulatory Affairs| Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter


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